- Out of difficulties grow miracles -


Hummingbird Hero

Eng. There are places that have a certain magic, where any bad vibes are drained from you since you arrive. Little oases of peace and renewal. Places like these are hard to find, my favorite one is Ensifera Camp -formerly known as Cotinga Camp-, near the city of Cusco. This small Eden is the result…

Pink Dusk

Your Voice

Eng. -Hi- You’ve heard many times that you need to help our planet and you probably already do, right? Recycling Avoiding unnecessary consumption Not wasting water Supporting responsible pet breeding or even better: adopting And so many others… Still, it does not seem to be enough. That is why, in this article, I want to…


BluetifulPlanet by Alfredo Cornejo was born

Eng. Changing your profession is not easy, or is it? I believe that the orientation of our professional interests has long been manipulated in order to fulfill a specific role in society, but not to develop our best capacities and talents. Thus; while we are still immature, we are faced with one of the most…